Thursday, February 12, 2009

Document Imaging Industry Getting Seriously Stimulated

So, it looks like a large stimulus bill is going to pass Congress and be signed into law by President Obama within the next week. The stated price tag is $789 billion.

It will take a while to see what the bill says and, more importantly, what effect the bill will have in the real world, but unquestionable as of now is that the bill is a big boon to the document imaging industry.

Electronic medical records, long considered a "no brainer" but still not widely implemented, are among the top priorities of this bill. Individual doctors are set to receive $44,000 to $64,000 bonuses for using electronic records instead of paper ones.

Doctors that refuse to use electronic records by 2014 may even be subject to fines from Medicare.

Paperless medical paperwork, a dream, just got a huge boost towards becoming a reality.

Document imaging service companies are going to jump all over this--as they should.

The hope for other businesses is that the advances made in document scanning as all those millions of pages of medical paperwork are rendered electronic will translate well to other business processes.

Under that scenario, everyone wins.

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