Monday, March 30, 2009

Document Imaging Initiatives Demand Leadership From Managers

All too often, a company implements a document imaging solution that could change (for the better) the way the company does business, but few or no people in the office take full advantage of it. Things stay the same, simply from force of habit.

People still print unneccessarily, and other people print the same document at the same time, also unneccessarily. Costs aren't cut and old, bad habits are not broken.

The document imaging technology is new, potentially revolutionary, but human systems remain the same. It's a challenge with any new technology, document imaging included.

There is a better way. People can learn document imaging systems quite quickly, and use them quite extensively and quite effectively within a short period of time.

However, new solutions likely won't take hold if the boss of the office isn't familiar with and "bought into" the new document imaging solution being implemented.

People follow leaders, and leaders must therefore lead, if new frontiers are to be conquered.

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