Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Document Imaging Becoming New Revenue Source for Crafty Companies

Document scanning has always been a wonderful tool for storing files without filling up entire warehouses with filing cabinets. And most companies at least begin the foray into document imaging by exploiting the storage, record-keeping component.

But some--increasingly many, actually--companies are going beyond the storage utility of document imaging to create new revenue streams with document imaging technology.

AIIM had a nice case study of a company called Security Benefit that illustrates this point. Sign up at AIIM as a member to download the full report, but the short version tale is this:

Security Benefit handles retirement investments, and has reduced its overall IT costs 40 percent by automating its paper processes, which are very intensive.

Now, Security Benefit is selling its document imaging-fueled system as a product, to other companies in its industry. The selling point, easy: we reduced our IT costs 40 percent.

Can your company go beyond the basic uses of document imaging to actually create new revenue from document imaging? We wouldn't rule it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's face it. Virtually anything and everything can be monetized these days. And why shouldn't they? Companies spend big bucks to acquire technologies and train their staffs to operate effectively. These are much-needed services offered at budget rates (in most cases).
