Thursday, September 3, 2009

Document Imaging, Paper, and the Best of Both Worlds

Katie is known as an eccentric business owner. Part of her eccentricity comes from her refusal to use computers to maintain customer files.

Instead, Katie uses an "old school" filing cabinet system where each customer file is literally a file, in a manilla folder. There is something very charming about this system, and it works great, so customers are not really losing anything by Katie's decision to stay un-digital.

Unless, of course, those hard copy files are somehow lost.

With document imaging, Katie could have backups of all those paper files at a separate location. Hiring a document imaging service would not be prohibitively expensive. And a lot cheaper than taking the chance of losing decades worth of customer data.

Reaching business owners like Katie is a challenge for document imaging services. Overcoming inertia can be a hard sell.

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