Friday, January 16, 2009

Document Imaging: Professional vs. Amatuer

When running any business, but especially a small business and especially during trying economic times, it's important to know how to things yourself.

However, the do-it-yourself approach can be limiting. In the case of document imaging, almost all businesses now possess the rudimentary tools necessary to scan documents from paper into digital format.

And sometimes that simple task is all that is needed.

Sometimes, though, something more ambitious has been planned, along the lines of an Enterprise Content Management system. This is when it may be worthwhile to hire a professional document imaging service.

Such services can prove their worth by not only making paper documents digital, but by helping to plot schemes of organization, once those documents are in the computer. After all, if moving paper to computer means you can't find anything ever again, what's the use?

If you need to not only scan documents but organize them by the bunches, a pro may be worth the price.

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