Monday, January 26, 2009

Third Party Document Imaging Services: The Third Way

Especially in an uncertain economic environment, it's not always wise to go all in right from the outset. Rather, some caution is required, and an incremental approach.

Third party document imaging services allow businesses to take that approach and make it work without sacrificing important goals.

It's not expensive, for example, to purchase a regular-sized document scanner of modest quality. However, such a machine may not meet the needs of a company that wants a more complex document imaging solution, complete with, say, high resolution scanning of large documents and a shareable database of imaged files.

Such a company then seems to face the choice of either investing a good sum of money up front to buy a bigger, better scanner, or giving up on the project entirely and "wating until next year."

Third-party document imaging services offer a third way.

Have your cake--large format scanning no problem, shareable database included--at a manageable, per project cost.

It's a nice option to have.

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