Thursday, December 11, 2008

Document Imaging Companies Still Using CDs: Why?

The compact disc may be going the way of the dinosaur (and the eight-track) as more and more people download music digitally, but for outsourced document imaging services companies, the CD is still a very useful item.

Why isn't everything digitally transmitted by now?

First of all, as this document imaging FAQ explains, because CDs can hold up to 15,000 scanned letter-sized images. That's a lot. Far too much to fit through even the broadest of broadband pipes.

Futhermore, when a document imaging service sends its client a CD or three by courier or some other secure physical delivery method, the service can verify that the package has been received safely and securely.

When transmitting over the Internet, a whole host of other security issues come up. Many providers work to address these problems, but sometimes it's just simpler to send a hard copy.

Video may have killed the radio star, but document imaging is keeping the CD alive and well.

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