Monday, April 20, 2009

Document Imaging: Envision the Ideal, Then Get to Building

Building a company-wide Enterprise Content Management system is a little like building a mansion: it's important to know what you want before you get started.

One of the most valuable "wants" inherent in most digital imaging systems is collaboration. Document imaging and scanning makes collaboration possible by bringing hard copy documents into the digital realm, where they can be viewed and manipulated by multiple users in multiple locations.

This ability is obviously necessary for large corporations that operate globally, but it can also be a huge benefit to smaller companies. When people can work together without being together, more work can be done with less expense.

Cut out airfare, FedEx, and hotel costs, and you have a leaner, meaner company. But the key is to cut out those costs without losing any benefit, in terms of effective work getting done.

By naming out exactly what you want to accomplish with a document imaging initiative before committing to any large purchases, you can know what type of mansion you want to build.

Here is a white paper from AIIM that may help you to envision the final vision of your ideal document imaging solution.

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