Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Government Agencies Lead the Pack on Document Imaging Solutions

Once upon a time, the Internet was just a figment of the U.S. government's imagination. The Defense Advanced Research Project, or DARPA, developed the initial technologies that eventually turned into the Internet we now know.

Today, something similar may be happening with nascent document imaging technologies. Because while corporate America and even small businesses are increasingly using document scanning and imaging solutions, government agencies are making huge strides as well.

With so many vital files in need of reliable backup, it's no wonder that government needs document imaging like nobody's business.

The biggest example of this is the push for electronic medical records. But government entities are also using document imaging to improve police department procedures, as well as the procedures used by the IRS and even some welfare agencies.

Contrary to the government's reputation as a stodgy has-been lagging far behind the private sector in adopting dynamic new technologies, the guys in the gray suits are creating some of the most advanced document imaging systems around today.

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