Thursday, April 30, 2009

E-Books Document Imaging's "Sexiest" Offering Yet

Technology is sometimes referred to as "sexy." Often, it is this so-called sex appeal that brings massive numbers of people to want to use and buy a certain technology.

Perhaps the most obvious example of this, from history, is the Macintosh computer. Apple made something beautiful, and people other than computer nerds began to want computers.

Something similar may be happening with the e-book, as it pertains to document imaging technology in general. As the Amazon Kindle and Sony Reader are enabling people to read e-books in a convenient and pleasurable way, more and more people are seeing document imaging as a major technology of the present, and of the future, too.

This Wall Street Journal story waxes poetic about some of the cultural changes this change in perception may cause. From a business perspective, the rise in e-books should cause more managers to incorporate document imaging into their office environment.

Now that Danny in cubicle seven has that cool Amazon Kindle thing...

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