Thursday, August 27, 2009

Paperless Office Giving Way to "Less Paper Office"

The dream is officially dead. The "paperless office" is not going to happen. Ever.

What is happening, though, and with astonishing rapidity, is the rise of the "Less Paper Office." Conservationist trends have merged with technology improvements to enable most--though not all--documents to be more effectively managed electronically than in hard copy.

Loan documents, for instance, used to be stored in on-premesis filing cabinets. You would then "dig up" the file when you needed the file was 300 pages long, this took a while.

Now, if you have a searchable document management solution, and as long as documents are properly file-named when they are imaged, you can pull up any part of any file with a couple clicks of a mouse.

If you're interested in getting to that level but not sure where to start, contact a document imaging service today to build a solid foundation.

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