Monday, October 27, 2008

Document Imaging Lowers Your Rent?

Maybe it's because I live in New York, but I think about a real estate a lot. Specifically about how dang expensive the stuff is. Prices per square foot and such.

Which brings us, albeit in a roundabout way, to the issue of filing cabinets.

The average filing cabinet is about five feet tall, two feet deep, and one foot wide. Office space in downtown Manhattan can go for upwards of $100 per square foot. So that means that each filing cabinet costs about $300 per month. And just sits there.

The problem is, filing cabinets travel in packs. If you've got one, you've probably got two, and if you've got two, you well might have ten. And if you've got ten, that's a lot of space in your office being taken up by inanimate objects.

That's room enough for another desk, another employee. Or perhaps you'll want to move to a smaller office, so as to pay less rent.

Document imaging is all about getting rid of filing cabinets. Keeping the files, but miniaturizing them into digitized bits and bytes. Over and above the "value-adds" of searchability and shareability, document imaging is the ultimate space-saver.

And sometimes, when you save space, you save money.

That's definitely true of New York.

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