Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Document Imaging Research Resource

It's not easy to find good sources of information regarding document imaging. That's part of why we run this blog. But there are some good resources available, if you're doing research and trying to discover what's right for your business.

One of the better pages I've found is on Kodak's site, right here. This is a wealth of information and, while Kodak is definitely trying to sell you something, the information itself is quite valuable.

For example, you can see the major industry breakdown of common document imaging customers:

•Real estate offices
•Doctors’ offices
•Dentists’ offices
•Legal firms
•Municipal and town offices
•Financial advisors
•Sales and services offices
•Branch office operations
•Auto dealerships
•Community banks
•Credit unions
•County Clerks

You can also get some handy tips for the actual process of document imaging and scanning. How to maintain image quality, for example.

If you want to delve a bit deeper into document scanning technology, check out this white paper. Detailed technical information like this is not easy to come by, and worth looking into if document imaging is going to be a long-term part of your business.

Meanwhile, think about how you can use document imaging technology to increase Corporate Accountability. If you look at the common customer list above, you'll notice that many of these industries deal with highly private and sensitive documents. Once those docs are inputted into the computer, it doesn't absolve the company from responsibility to handle them with care.

If you run a small or mid-sized business, this white paper is worth reading. It talks about how document imaging technology has made its way from only being used by huge corporations to being an inexpensive solution for any size business.

Kudos to Kodak for making these materials available. Although they are offered with a slant towards Kodak's products, that does not negate their usefulness to the potential customer.

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