Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Document Imaging Industry Building for Big Workload

We have blogged repeatedly about the Obama Administration's push towards electronic medical records and what this means for the document imaging industry. Namely, it means that the document imaging industry is about to get a lot bigger.

But bigger not only in terms of revenues and numbers of companies offering third-party document scanning and imaging service, but bigger, too, in terms of machinery capability.

Business users are starting to see this enlargement in the new round of high-capacity Multi-Function Printers, some of which are built to process literally hundreds of thousands of documents per cycle. Truly, these new MFPs are fully futuristic.

Currently, such machinery is pretty well-confined to large corporations like insurance companies. However, third-party document imaging providers themselves are increasingly purchasing these high-end MFPs and offering high volume service to smaller clients.

Over time, this enlargement in capacity at the input level should make it cheaper to scan all documents, rather than just the really important ones.

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